City Grab helps struggling Stannington residents and Cadent Gas workers
9th December 2022
With nearly 2,000 Stannington homes left without gas, City Grab have stepped in to show their support.
Last week local suburb Stannington, Sheffield, hit the headlines with a ‘major incident’ which saw nearly 2,000 homes left without gas, due to a burst water main flooding the gas network.
As temperatures dropped below freezing, more than 100 Cadent Gas engineers have been working around the clock to ensure affected homes are back up and running as quickly as possible.
Local delivery company City Grab reached out to the community to offer their support, subsequently teaming up with The Rose and Crown Pub in Stannington to ensure Cadent Gas workers are fed whilst on duty. A donation from City Grab has covered the cost of pizzas provided by the pub.
Stuart Taylor, City Grab Customer Experience Supervisor, said:
“As a local resident myself, I have witnessed how amazing Cadent have been during this awful situation, and to be able to thank them in some way is fantastic.”
The gas company have been trying to keep their customers safe and warm, by kindly providing hot plates and heaters to the community’s most vulnerable.
Residents have also been pulling together, including local woman Gemma Hilton, who has been organising everything from food donations to blankets, and with temperatures continuing to plummet, City Grab’s donation will help to provide these essential items.
Gemma Hilton said:
“The cadent workers have been here 24/7 since Friday getting gas back on for Stannington and I just wanted to show a little appreciation.
Now thanks to City Grab, the funds raised can go back into helping the most vulnerable in the community.”