Comment on Sheffield Economic Growth Strategy
15th April 2013
David Child, chair of Sheffield Chamber of Commerce Council, said: -The Sheffield Chamber has been pleased to make a positive contribution to the Sheffield Economic Growth Strategy.
-Our Council members provided good feedback to the consultation and were able to cover a range of sectors across the Sheffield business community. Their experience, know-how and sharp insights helped present a number of positive and fresh ideas to help grow businesses and job opportunities in Sheffield. -We wanted a strategy that was realistic, true to our city, authentically Sheffield, but also challenging and forward looking. We wanted a strategy which recognises and plays to the distinctive strengths we undoubtedly have in the city, while helping to increase Sheffield being recognised by commentators and people of influence outside of the region. -With Sheffield City Council, the Local Enterprise Partnership and other partners, we will put our weight behind driving new economic and business opportunities in the fields of advanced manufacturing, health, sports and medical sciences, digital, and low carbon technologies. These are an important part of the future, but the challenge is also about nurturing what we have right here and right now. -Our aim is to encourage success for every layer of the local economy from the big players to small companies and new social enterprises. Sheffield must provide the range and quality of business services for companies to set up and grow here creating the right measures to grow the 'Business Sheffield' offer. -On top of this, we really can harness the power of our cultural assets, a concerted retail and leisure offer, combining Meadowhall with a revitalised City Centre, and our programme of major events and festivals to make Sheffield a stand out place to be and visit. -This all helps attract new business activity and jobs to our city. But in all these endeavours we all have to move up a few gears to deliver and create those much needed opportunities for our younger generations. The Sheffield Chamber Council is made up 36 elected Chamber members and a number of invited attendees from the wider community. It meets regularly to understand the major issues facing the city and to harness the energy and talent of members to make that difference happen in Sheffield.