Cooking Is An Art
19th August 2012
Inspiring Women are delighted to announce our next event is devoted to food.
The love of sourcing it, cooking it, and eating it. Sheffield is full of little gems hidden away that when you stumble upon them you wonder how you ever managed to miss them. The Sheffield City College hospitality team have just that in their sparkling new building on Granville Road. Join us to experience sparkling wine and canapes, followed by an exquisite chocolate demonstration , and then a fantastic night tasting the beautifully prepared Gormet Taster Menu in the Sparks Restaurant prepared by professional MasterChef Mick Burke. This will be your opportunity to network with likeminded business people, taste some award winning food and become part of a growing network of business people in Sheffield. The event is not exclusively for women. Most of the countries best Chefs are male, and so we want the men to be represented equally at this event! This food event is one for the soul! It will make you smile, make your taste buds tingle with delight and hopefully inspire you to go home and try some of the techniques for yourself. A little 'taster' of the seasonal tasting menu - just half of the courses: Pressed chicken & leek pavé, celeriac remoulade with red Swiss chard Roasted Monkfish, braised belly pork, bok choi with maple syrup Cannon of lamb, minted pea purée, boulangère potato with red wine jus Looking at this menu, we expect this event to reach capacity quickly so please book early. Opera singer Luciano Pavarotti once said: -One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating. So stop, and devote a few of hours of your time to join us in this unique networking experience. All dietary requirements will be catered for. For full details on the taster menu, please contact This event is now fully booked.