Dancing on air
15th October 2013
Dancing on Ice star and two-time British bronze medalist Mark Hanretty is taking to the air for his next show and has been training in aerial skills at Greentop Community Circus Centre.
After meeting aerialist, performer and Greentop tutor Samara Casewell, Mark had the idea of incorporating an aerial silks performance into his ice skating routine. -I am hoping that this will open up lots of exciting show opportunities in the future, said Mark. Mark has been learning aerial skills at Greentop with personal training from Samara. He enjoyed training there so much that he signed up to the Professional Artist Membershipscheme and is now at a level to practice on his own. He has been to training hard at Greentop andIceSheffield, working to a deadline to prepare a video. Mark is one the first people in the world to ever try this dangerous combination of aerial silks and ice skating. -I have seen one other American skater do it. Perhaps we should meet up and create something together - that would be cool! Being suspended from silks at a great height above the ice can be dangerous as Mark explains: -Inevitably there are risks as the skates are very sharp and they could cut the silk. So Samara taught me climbs that didn't create much blade/silk contact, but it seems these moves are the most demanding because they rely solely on upper-body strength! Coupled with the additional weight of my skates, I'm really having to work hard to learn this new skill. I have the greatest respect for Greentop aerialists! -Please extend the sincerest thanks to all the team at Greentop and the wonderful professional artists who've been so kind and encouraging to me during the time I've been at Greentop. - -Thanks to Samara, Emily, Clare and Sarah who were all so helpful to me. Find out how you can train at Greentop