East Midlands Train Service Consultation - URGENT AND VERY IMPORTANT
5th October 2017
Sheffield's primary train service is up for renewal and the public consultation ends on 11th October 2017.
The East Midlands franchise covers all trains from Sheffield to London and trains from Sheffield to Manchester, Liverpool, Nottingham and Norwich. This is a critical element of Sheffields connectivity north/south and east/west and getting the right franchise going forward is critical to this city. The Chamber has prepared a detailed response to the consultation, which raised 30 questions, and this is available as a word document - Click Here to Download. WE NEED AS MANY BUSINESSES AS POSSIBLE TO SEND PUBLIC CONSULTATION RESPONSES BY 11TH OCTOBER and, hopefully, having this word document will make it easy for you to do so. Please help to get Sheffield's voice heard. Responses must reach the DfT by 11th October 2017. You can e-mail: EastMidlandsfranchise2017@dft.gsi.gov.uk or you can post a response to: East Midlands Rail Franchise Consultation Co-ordinator Zone 2/21 Department for Transport Great Minster House 33 Horseferry Road London SW1P 4DR Peter Kennan - Chair Sheffield Chamber Transport Forum Richard Wright - Executive Director Sheffield Chamber