Gripple Chosen to Help to make Yorkshire the best Place to do Business
21st August 2017
The Made in Yorkshire peer group chose the innovative Sheffield-based manufacturer, Gripple to hold its latest breakfast event for top executive members from the city's manufacturing and engineering companies.
Forty guests first enjoyed a breakfast made only in Sheffield and after toured Gripple's newly extended, high-tech Sheffield factory, nicknamed an 'Industrial Catherdral', complete with a fish tank and green wall. Then they heard why the company believes make it is a consistent success story and a Made in Yorkshire award winner for its export success two years ago. Chrissie Gale, a Made in Yorkshire director, said: -We chose Gripple for this event to help our local MD and CEO membership grow their network and hear and see directly about an exceptional company owned by the employees, with a fun outlook on how to run a business - and why it's working! Gripple is a totally employee-owned manufacturer of 50 million iconic wire fasteners a year, the vast majority of which sold to 80 countries. With its HQ also in Sheffield and bases in Chicago, Strasbourg and New Delhi and 500 employees, Gripple turned over £55 million last year, with 70 per cent of its supply chain in South Yorkshire. Gripple's special projects manager, Gordon Macrae, said: -It was great to attract so many local decision-makers who are passionate about Yorkshire to see what we believe is an exemplar business. I hope that some of the ideas and things they've seen and heard about today they will take back to their own businesses, and make Yorkshire the best place to do business.