Hallamshire Physiotherapy team up with girls’ cricket
23rd August 2024
Women’s cricket has seen record-breaking numbers of teams established across the country in recent years, and Sheffield is no exception. To fund the development of girls’ cricket has been a challenge for many local clubs.
But for one club, The BOTS, Hallamshire Physiotherapy in Sheffield were very pleased and proud to sponsor their team kit for the 2024 season.
Hallamshire Physiotherapy, Sheffield’s leading specialist physiotherapy clinic, are big advocates for sports, so were keen to help give these girls support to engage in cricket.
The BOTS girls cricket team was established in 2023 with members from the founding clubs Bradfield, Oughtibridge, Thorncliffe and Stocksbridge (hence BOTS) to enable the girls to play in the inaugural Sheffield and District Girls Hardball League.
Karen Hodgson, Director at Hallamshire Physiotherapy Clinic, said, “At Hallamshire Physiotherapy we believe that women should have more opportunity to participate in all sports. Personally, I am very proud to have been asked to sponsor the team as a female role model who is passionate about supporting girls in sport. We are honoured to have also received a signed ball from the girls.”
Emma Anderson from the BOTS, replied, “The girls were keen to have a team kit for the 2024 season which was provided thanks to the kind sponsorship by Hallamshire Physiotherapy. They voted for the design and wore their shirts with pride. Karen Hodgson has been very supportive of the team and the girls were delighted to show her their skills and meet her at a game as they participated in their first season in the Sheffield league.”
“The BOTS coaches are looking to continue to enter girls’ teams across all age groups and encourage more girls to enjoy cricket. Other clubs in the region have seen the success of this mixed club’s strategy and we hope to see more girls’ teams in the future.”
Hallamshire Physiotherapy Clinic was established in 2004 with the intention of providing a centre of excellence for physiotherapy, based on outstanding staff and a commitment to provide a high-quality service. Today the clinic has three locations and an outstanding reputation, with over twenty therapists providing specialist treatments in areas such as: Neurological Rehabilitation alongside the PD Warrior Programme, Balance/Vestibular Rehabilitation, Respiratory Treatment, MSK/Musculoskeletal Problems, Spinal Specialist Rehabilitation, Women’s and Men’s Health, Sports Injury, Sports Massage and many more.
For more information about Hallamshire Physiotherapy Clinic, please visit: www.hallamshirephysiotherapy.com