Higher Education Past, Present and Future
26th September 2018
You are warmly welcomed to an event which will take place on Thursday 4 October at 6.
30 pm with Sir Michael Barber, Chair, Office for Students. This year, 2018, is the 100th anniversary of the Fisher Education Act which raised the school leaving age and developed tertiary education. Herbert Fisher, proponent of The Act was Vice-Chancellor at the University of Sheffield from 1913 until 1917. To mark the occasion, Sir Michael Barber will speak about the Fisher Act and vision of Higher Education 100 years ago and after he has spoken, a panel will be formed to join Sir Michael to debate the future of Higher Education. The panel will consist of Sir Michael Barber, The Rt Hon Lord Blunkett, Shakira Martin, NUS President and Harry Anderson, Policy Adviser (Higher Education) at the CBI. This event is free of charge. To book a place please register via the link below: https://bit.ly/2MINfpK