How many lawyers does it take to change a lightbulb?
15th November 2017
One to draft the contract that will define which lightbulb is the subject of the change. Two to research precedents and caselaw for the legislation about the changing of lightbulbs from 1904. One to write the letter giving advice regarding the risks of making the change against not making the change. Three to argue over the meaning of 'lightbulb', 'change' and 'lawyers'. Four to file applications for a judicial review on whether the lightbulb even needs changing and of course, one to actually change the bulb. Frankly, making up jokes about lawyers is time well spent plus it doubles up as a catchy title for the Ironmonger Curtis Solicitors member focus page. Ironmonger Curtis is a specialist commercial law firm based in Sheffield. Simply put, we do law for businesses and business people. We specialise in commercial transactions, business sales / purchases, commercial property, leaseholds, commercial litigation, intellectual property and employment law. Our focus with our clients is to cut out the faff and give down to earth, pragmatic, practical assistance to solve a legal need. Ensuring your business has the right legal foundations from the start is the key to creating a company with the capability to expand. We're involved in businesses of all shapes and sizes and regularly run training sessions and events through the region. Recently we partnered with the Sheffield City Region Growth Hub Enhancement Project to deliver a masterclass seminar to assist high growth business in achieving their next stage goals. We pride ourselves as being part of the local community and recently sponsored Dronfield RUFC. So if you've got a business you want to buy, a trademark you want to protect, a debt you want to recover, an employee you want to manage or just want some more lawyer jokes - get in touch with us via the Ironmonger Curtis website at, by email us at, follow us on twitter at @IC_Solicitors or on LinkedIn at Ironmonger Curtis