In pursuit of a sustainable recovery
17th September 2014
The Bank of England, Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, and Institute of Directors invite you to our annual Bank of England Sheffield briefing.
We are delighted that once again the briefing will be given by Juliette Healey, Agent and Will Holman, Deputy Agent, from the Bank of England's Agency for Yorkshire & Humber. Juliette and Will will be covering the Bank's latest assessment of the economy. They will set out how the Bank intends to respond as the economy recovers. There will be plenty of time for Q&A, where they will be happy to answer questions on any aspect of Bank of England activities. Juliette joined the Bank of England in 1986, taking over as Agent for Yorkshire and the Humber in February 2012. Prior to that Juliette had a wide variety of roles relating to monetary policy, financial stability and the foreign exchange market. She has also worked at HM Treasury and the International Monetary Fund. Will holds bachelors and masters degrees in economics and joined the Bank in April 2011. Before joining that, Will worked as an economist in the private sector and in government, most recently at the communications authority Ofcom. Please book by emailing places are limited