Julia Goodman Joins Investors In Community Board
12th July 2021
Julia Goodman, an actor, producer, director, and businesswomen has joined the Investors In Community Board of Directors.
Julia is on the board of BAWE (British Association of Women Entrepreneurs), was on the development board of Dyslexia Action for 17 years, helping to bring it up-to-date, and co-founded the 500 Club as part of the Eve Appeal to raise awareness and money for ovarian cancer research. Throughout her career she has continuously raised money, volunteered, and helped charities promote themselves by developing their communication skills, but felt she could do more.
Chairman Justin Urquhart Stewart and CEO Philip Webb of Investors In Community were keen to get Julia on board as a Non-Executive Director as it is clear from her history that her values align with Investors In Community.
When asked why she was keen to join IIC, Julia said: “ESG is something that I have been on the periphery of for years, that’s why the IIC proposition is so exciting and so relevant. Increasingly, ESG is going to demand transparency, measurement, and accountability. That’s exactly what the IIC platform’s blockchain-based technology is offering. So charitable giving will no longer be just a tick box on the ‘being a good business’ checklist. It will be a piece of solid, objective data that companies can use to demonstrate their ESG credentials, something they can put on their balance sheet. This is especially important now with investors and shareholders demanding fast, significant – sometimes massive – change in the way companies operate and the standards they set themselves. Otherwise, they’ll invest elsewhere. Even if charitable giving is only one small part of ESG, my feeling is that what IIC is helping bring about points the way forward for a wide range of corporate activity. It’s giving ESG more teeth.
The IIC proposition is part of a wider wake-up call to businesses in other ways as well. Consumers, young and old alike, are becoming increasingly aware of the power that their choices can have in influencing the behaviour of the companies they buy from. And young people won’t work for companies unless their values measure up, so ESG is becoming a decisive factor in the war for talent as well, which is a really powerful lever.
Overall, then, greater ESG transparency will increasingly support the vital process of large-scale transformation that our beleaguered world and planet so badly needs.
But, at the end of the day, Investors In Community simply aligns with my feelings that if you don’t stand up and speak out and do things, then what are you doing?"
For more information about Investors in Community, visit www.investorsincommunity.org.