King Ecgbert school Y12 work experience - can you help out?!
10th January 2024
We are an extremely successful sixth form centre at King Ecgbert School with 200 eager and brilliant Year 12 students keen to learn skills in the world of work.
Week beginning 5th February
We are an extremely successful sixth form centre at King Ecgbert School with 200 eager and brilliant Year 12 students keen to learn skills in the world of work. Most of our learners go onto professional roles, many through University degrees and competitive apprenticeships.
Between 7 - 16th February we are allowing students off timetable to explore the world of work. While we have some excellent online activities for our students to complete, we are keen to ensure as many students as possible can get into our communities for face-to-face experiences.
This is where you come in - are you willing to give back onto the community and offer 1, 2 or 3 days of work experience days? After all these are our future workers, managers, and brilliant young humans! We hope as the years unfold, we can create a larger database, but in these first few years, your support is crucial.??
To get involved or to find out more, please email