Lawyers model legal services for Sheffield Bricktropolis
31st July 2018
Wake Smith Solicitors has put the building blocks in place to allow Sheffield to be transformed into a city of LEGO® bricks next month.
Commercial property associate Rachael Flintoft advised on a tenancy at will agreement for Sheffield Business Improvement District (BID) to allow the Sheffield Bricktropolis event to move into the former Google Garage on Barkers Pool. The unit will be transformed into an Interactive Building Zone from 4-17 August where young and older LEGO fans can attend free workshops, build cityscapes, spacescapes and gardens from thousands of the iconic toy building bricks. Rachael Flintoft from Wake Smith, whose director John Baddeley sits on the board of Sheffield BID, said: -I advised on the tenancy at will agreement between Sheffield BID and Sheffield City Council. -This is a property tenure that can be terminated at any time by either the tenant or the landlord. -It is a much less formal agreement than a lease and is an arrangement to occupy a property on a much more flexible basis in this case for a short amount of time. -The building, formerly the Google Garage, will be used to house the Interactive Building Zone and open to the public throughout the fortnight. The Interactive Building Zone will also host competitions to see who can build the fastest car, tallest tower, the best robot from LEGO bricks and a challenge to build a house from LEGO bricks that can withstand earthquake conditions. The summer holiday initiative, funded by Sheffield BID, also allows LEGO fans to explore the city on a Bricktropolis trail, via a map and app, featuring 21 diverse, world landmark models around Sheffield and see a custom made model of Sheffield City Hall. Diane Jarvis, Sheffield BID Manager, said: -Sheffield Bricktropolis is an opportunity for Sheffield to celebrate everyone's favourite childhood bricks. From little ones to big kids, Sheffield Bricktropolis will have something for all fans of LEGO. -Families can take advantage of this free event and explore the city centre as they visit each world landmark on the trail, including Sheffield's own City Hall. The Interactive Building Zone will transform an empty unit into a place for play, creativity and education. With free workshops, we hope to ignite imaginations across Sheffield. Sheffield Bricktropolis includes a diverse display of monuments, capital buildings and skyscrapers hosted by venues around the city, part of a Brick Architecture display specifically designed by Duncan Titmarsh of Bright Bricks, the only accredited LEGO-builder in the UK. A custom-made model of Sheffield's famous City Hall is being created by LEGO brick building expert and Sheffielder Micheal LeCount. The model will be on display as part of the trail. A programme of Sheffield Bricktropolis fringe events is also planned with businesses across the city centre putting together Bricks and Beer events, LEGO film screenings and special LEGO-themed products. Sheffield Bricktropolis is part of a wider strategy by Sheffield BID to attract more visitors into the city centre helping to increase footfall and improve the appearance of the popular shopping area whilst nearby building renovations take place. For further details on Sheffield Bricktropolis, to register for workshops and view trail maps visit search #SheffieldBricktropolis on Twitter and Instagram, or join the Facebook event for updates. Sheffield BID was set up in 2015 when more than 500 businesses in the city centre collectively decided to invest in improving their environment. Its five year action plan is to deliver projects and services across all sectors to enhance both the physical and trading environment. For commercial property advice contact Wake Smith Solicitors on 0114 266 6660 or visit www.wake-