Local charities pledge to support people into work
30th May 2019
Two of Sheffield's biggest charities are coming together to help unemployed people get back into work with a brand new programme called Steps to Work.
The Source and Sheffield City Trust are teaming up to support people across the region get back into work by offering a series of tailored programmes that will work on key areas of employability skills. Steps to Work will allow people who are looking for work or have been out of work for some time to boost their skills and their confidence. Through a number of training workshops and sessions, people will develop their skills in areas that suit their career goals, whether they are looking for full time work in an office or want to get a part time job to fit around childcare. There are also opportunities to take part in Work Academies which give a crash course in key employment skills with a guaranteed interview at the end of the programme. Tricia Smith, CEO of The Source, said: -Steps to Work not only focuses on the employability side of training, it also aims to get people involved with their community. "We're looking to work with people who may have barriers to getting into work, who look after their children full time, or don't feel they have the skills to get a job. -We're offering a very tailored programme so there are training opportunities to suit everyone's needs and our friendly team of tutors will support you every step of the way. It's also a great opportunity to meet new people who have had similar experiences. -Our work with Sheffield City Trust means we can bring training right into the heart of the community. We will be based at Concord Sports Centre, just off Shiregreen Road. Steps to Work is part of wider programme called Skills Support for the Employed which is funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency and the European Social Fund, and is managed by the Growth Company. Skills Support for the Employed will provide a range of integrated support packages and delivery to address barriers faced by groups who do not currently engage with or receive support such as Traveller communities, those with mild learning difficulties or health conditions, those in workless households or on Universal Credit, and women who are not economically active. Andrew Snelling, CEO of Sheffield City Trust, said: -The Steps to Work programme is a great opportunity to engage with our local communities, providing employability training and opportunities and Sheffield City Trust are committed to making this a success in partnership with The Source. For Further information about Steps to Work, contact The Source by calling 0114 263 5600, emailing marketing@thesourceacademy.co.uk or visiting www.thesourceacademy.co.uk.