Lupton Fawcett Denison Tills re-elects Marshall for third successive term as Managing Director
14th April 2014
Lupton Fawcett Denison Till, the Leeds, Sheffield and York-based commercial law firm, has once again re-elected Richard Marshall, as the firm's Managing Director, and Kevin Emsley, as Chairman, for third terms following an uncontested election, with both first being elected to their roles in 2008.
Richard, an insolvency lawyer and chartered marketer, joined Lupton Fawcett in 1992 as a partner and head of the firm's Insolvency and Corporate Recovery Division; within just three months he was appointed to Lupton Fawcett's management board and given responsibility for developing and implementing a successful marketing strategy for the firm. Since then, Lupton Fawcett Denison Till has established a reputation as a marketing led, client focused firm with one of strongest and most distinctive brands in the Yorkshire legal market. Richard Marshall comments: -I am, of course, delighted to have been re-elected for a third term but also knowing that I have the complete confidence and support of my Directors. Whilst the legal sector has been turbulent over the last six years, Lupton Fawcett Denison Till has made great strides towards achieving its strategy to become the regions mid-market law firm of choice; through several acquisitions including Lee & Priestley, and Denison Till and through several senior lateral hires across all our offices to support the growing need for niche services. We have invested in some excellent quality projects through broadening our offering by adopting new lean management techniques, and also putting the building blocks in place for our new pricing models all of which are designed to help and create certainty for our clients and prospects. Some have mistaken our strategy as a strategy for growth, for growth's sake, this is not so; our growth is simply a tactic to achieve our ultimate objective of clearly providing the ultimate offering into our regions mid-market which itself requires a significant platform with which to support that offering. There are exciting times ahead for Lupton Fawcett Denison Till; for our clients; for us and for any first class lawyers who wish to join us in taking the firm through to its next stage of its development.