Making Net Zero CO² a Reality
6th September 2022
As a ‘CO2nstruct Zero’ Business Champion and a leading British manufacturer, Naylor Industries is committed to reducing our environmental impact.
In our latest blog, Alex Farrer, Group HSE Officer explains how Naylor Industries’ aim to be a ‘net zero’ business by 2050.
Never before has there been as much focus on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the delivery of net zero - achieving an overall balance of net zero greenhouse gas emissions in an organisation’s operations. At Naylor Industries’ we care deeply about the environment and are continually striving to improve our environmental performance by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, minimising waste, increasing energy efficiency, using resources wisely and switching to more sustainable sources of energy.
Our Net Zero Strategy is a fundamental part of our overall business strategy and focusses on the six core areas of organisational commitment, quantification, targeting and implementation, monitoring, reporting and continual improvement.
- Organisations Commitment
- Quantification of greenhouse gas emissions
- Targeting and implementation
- Monitoring
- Reporting
- Continual improvement
By following the principles outlined above our business has already made some significant changes. Underlining the importance we place on the delivery of net zero, we have recently recruited a dedicated Product Sustainability Engineer, Tevin McPherson, who will focus solely on establishing if and where we can change our product designs to minimise waste and reduce our use of raw materials. While at our Cawthorne plant, we have recently made a significant investment in the commission and installation of a combined heat and power (CHP) plant which enables the site to generate its own electricity and which, ultimately, may be converted to run on hydrogen.
If you would like to learn more about our activities and to join us on the journey to net zero, please visit our website :