Materials Life Cycle Analysis Workshop
14th March 2016
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a robust methodology which can aid decision making to achieve resource efficiency and sustainability.
The adoption of LCA has already resulted in business benefits and competitive advantage to users across industry, sector and organisation. LCA has received major attentions on its development and deployment, its methodological advancement through to its integration with other types of indicators. Regulations, standards and competitions coupled with resource scarcity have accelerated the demand for this capability. This event will focus on the current and future trends of LCA particularly in materials supply chain, explaining how LCA helps to reduce waste, improve resource efficiency, reduce energy consumption, accelerate innovation, improve value engineering, reduce cost, comply with environmental regulations, meet corporate social responsibility, win new contracts and green awards, justify efficiency gain and aid investment decision making. In addition, it will show how LCA is used at early stages of new material discovery in order to maximise sustainable outcomes. Real industry cases and major materials innovation projects including rare earth, precious and critical materials substitution and novel materials and manufacturing processes such as additive manufacturing technology will be presented. Presentations will be given by leading academics and representatives from industry, including our keynote speaker Louis Brimacombe from TATA Steel, a leading authority in the LCA and materials sustainability community. Click Here to see event programme. Register here This event is organised jointly between the Advanced Resource Efficiency Centre (AREC) and the EPSRC funded projects "Designing Alloys for Resource Efficiency" (DARE) and "Substitution and Sustainability in Functional Materials and Devices" (SUBST) at the University of Sheffield. The projects' partners and AREC directors welcome you to join us at this informative one day workshop.