Member Profile - First Intuition
10th February 2021
First Intuition are an award winning Accountancy training provider delivering programmes in the AAT, ACCA, ICAEW and CIMA Qualifications.
First Intuition have training centres conveniently based in Sheffield and Leeds where they have created an inviting yet professional learning environment for aspiring Accountants. We offer Level 3, 4 and 7 Apprenticeship schemes as well as exams only programmes, using online and classroom delivery models, to build personalised programmes for your employees. With extensive experience in Accountancy Training their staff bring passion and enthusiasm to both the classroom and customer service. That’s why clients trust FI to give them great advice. This comes from taking the time to listen to employers and understand what they really need to drive their business forward.
Join First Intuition's Think Tanks (FITT) client forums.
First Intuition's Employer Forums have been incredibly popular during the COVID-19 pandemic with many people tuning in regularly to hear the latest news from the industry. As we all embraced the ‘new normal’, these forums shifted their focus to become an opportunity to hear about and share thoughts on the changes we are all making in these unusual times. It is clear that in the current situation a number of issues have emerged that are affecting employers in a way that they haven’t in the past. In recent months FI have talked to a number of employers and conducted surveys. These have highlighted key issues that seem to be causing most concern. They have been addressing these issues in their FITT forums where they invited expert speakers to join to share their experiences and point to real-world case studies. Join them HERE
New ACCA Programme
In September 2020 First Intuition were delighted to increase their course provision at the Sheffield centre to include ACCA. In light of current COVID restrictions, all classes will run as Virtual Classroom until they can be transitioned safely back in to the classroom. FI's VC classes are the next best thing to a Classroom course. They moved all in-centre learning back in March 2020 to VC’s and the feedback has been fantastic. The classes are run live throughout the day with instant interaction with both the tutor and the rest of their fellow students, creating a supportive cohort throughout their studies. The course programme is designed to accommodate both apprenticeship and exam only routes.
You can view all course details here > Virtual Classroom Dec 20
First Intuition's bespoke Level 3, 4 and 7 Apprenticeship programmes are designed to give the maximum support to both the learner and the employer to maximise potential in both the professional qualification and the skills and behaviour elements of the course. With intake points in January, March, June & September FI can offer flexibility to suit your recruitment plans. They believe apprenticeships offer a significant opportunity for both employers and apprentices. Their apprentices come from a range of backgrounds, vary in age and are at various stages of their careers. First Intuition work with them and their employers to develop their individual technical and all-round skills that help businesses to thrive and grow.
To discuss your Apprenticeship options contact or