NETBALL DINNER 2014 - Sold out
4th April 2014
This event is now SOLD OUT! Get out your dancing FOOTWORK, make CONTACT with other netball players, ask the DJ to RE-PLAY your favourite tune and take ADVANTAGE of this fantastic event.
Get it?! This event is open to anyone who plays netball - whether its at EISS, Honeywell in Barnsley, Goals, Netherthorpe School or anywhere else, this is your chance to have a night out with team members and fellow players. Your ticket includes: A sit down meal, DJ, Awards presentation, FREE parking, FREE casino entry, the offer of a £5 ticket to see Yorkshire Jets, a reduced rate at a City Centre Hotel, and a late bar. The main Casino Bar closes at 5am. Dress code is smart - strictly no jeans or sportswear. After purchasing your tickets, you will be sent a form to be completed and returned. This will allow you to highlight who you would like to be seated with for the meal, any dietary requirements and the link to the hotel offer (£59 per ROOM including breakfast - maximum of 3 sharing a family room) INSTRUCTIONS FOR TICKET PURCHASE - payment must be made on line at time of booking. If your places are being purchased by a business, you can select to be invoiced. 1. Select the number of tickets you require / table of ten 2. In JOB TITLE, please put the name of your netball team 3. In DELEGATE NAMES (if you have purchased more than one ticket) you can add the names of the people you are buying the tickets for. 4. Select Pay With - Credit/Debit Card 5. You do not need to enter a Purchase Order Number 6. CVN number is the last thee digits on the signature strip ENQUIRIES, PLEASE EMAIL