New Holistic therapy massage business
6th February 2014
SB Holistic is a new holistic massage therapy business based in Sheffield.
Dr. Sarah Bryan, business owner and principal practitioner has been a qualified holistic therapist since 2010 and has completed her massage qualifications at the prestigious Sheffield Centre for Massage Training ( Sarah, whose mum is a nurse and trained her throughout childhood while she did her rounds, has been interested in human biology, health and illness since that time, and became more interested in natural health and well-being whilst at boarding school. She completed a Ph.D in Speech and Language Sciences at Sheffield University, but increasingly realised that her vocation was to return to her love of natural health, and her enjoyment of helping people in a more hands-on way. Sarah was born with a visual impairment and is registered blind, which has strengthened her resolve to be successful and independent in running her business. SB Holistic is based both in Hillsborough at the Foot, Knee and Back Clinic and in Sheffield city centre at Woodland Holistics. Sarah also works regularly at the Sheffield Royal Society for the blind, Mappin Street, providing massage for service-users, their family members and carers, staff and volunteers. Sarah is qualified in holistic therapeutic massage, sports and remedial massage, deep tissue massage and aromatherapy. SB Holistic prides itself on offering a -made to measure massage service- integrating aspects of different massage approaches to meet the client's ever-changing and complex needs. SB Holistic also specialises in delivering sports and remedial massage techniques outside of the usual experience, which may be seen as prescriptive, formulaic and sometimes painful. This is achieved by the client and therapist working together, addressing the client's needs from within a person-centred framework. -I work with my clients rather than -doing to them. -I don't simply treat their injury but work with the individual at both physical and psychological levels. I also provide aftercare advice, which enables the client to be proactively involved in their treatment. Holistic massage therapy has many physical and psychological benefits, including relaxation, relief from muscular tension and from the symptoms of everyday stress, enhanced body awareness and improved sleep patterns. SB Holistic client Chris, who is living with the long-term consequences of a series of strokes confirms, -I find that my legs have changed since I've been having massages with Sarah because I can walk more comfortably and for a bit longer. It also helps that I don't always have to use pain medication to ease my calves and legs to work better. Sarah, who lives in Hillsborough Sheffield with her husband, concludes, -The most rewarding part of my work is seeing long-term improvements in my clients' well-being. It feels so rewarding when someone can comfortably move a shoulder which was previously painful, or when someone tells you that they feel relaxed for the first time in ages. Long may it continue! Clinic times: Woodland Holistics, Campo Lane: available thhroughout the week and at weekends Foot, Knee and Back Clinic, Middlewood Road: available Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind, Mappin Street: available Mondays (for service users, family members, carers, staff and volunteers only) Pricing: £50 per hour, concessions available on request. Website: Telephone: 0114 233 9693 Mobile: 07949 654779 Twitter: @SBHolistic Facebook: