NEW PRODUCT - Naylor Specialist Plastics - Plastic Tree Guards
19th June 2024
At Naylor Specialist Plastics, we know how important it is to protect newly planted trees and the environment they are used in. That’s why we have developed the all-new Oxi-biodegradable Plastic Tree Guard.
Our new tree guards are designed to maintain their shape and form for 5 years – dependent on the climate – after which point, the tubing will start to breakdown, coming away from the tree and leaving the grown sapling to continue growing in its natural environment.
• Made from a biodegradable compound
• Designed to last up to five years
• Meets biodegradability standards
• Breaks down into harmless materials
• Can be stored for 12 months
• Easy to handle and apply
Our new guards are made from a biodegradable compound that meets the ASTM standards D5510, D5208 and D6954 for biodegradability and independently tested with an external test house.
The guard will then dissolve into the soil, creating it’s own microclimate at the base of the saplings, becoming a good source of food for microbes and fungi.
For further details of this particular product - get in touch with Wayne Mallaby on 01226 444388 or by email
For further details on all the other various products we can make at Naylor Specialist Plastics - visit our website