NHS National Tea Party (Supporting Sheffield Hospitals)
20th June 2019
Let's raise a cuppa to support your local NHS The NHS is turning 71 and what better way to say thank you than with a cup of tea.
Last year we celebrated the NHS's 70th birthday by throwing a national tea party. We were blown away by everyone's support and we managed to raise over £9000 for local hospitals around Sheffield. We want to carry on from the success of last year and we're asking you to join us and thousands of others who will be taking part in this national tea party to celebrate on or around the 5th July. Why not invite your friends round for a cuppa, brew up for your family or crack open the staff room tea bags? By holding a tea party you can pay tribute to the fantastic work of local NHS staff. At the same time you can also raise funds to help give patients being treated in Sheffield Teaching Hospitals access to the best possible care. To register and download your free pack or make a donation visit https://www.sheffieldhospitalscharity.org.uk/tea-party-pack If tea and cake isn't your thing why not organise your own fundraising activity? However you choose to celebrate be sure to let us know. For further information call 0114 2267351or email fundraising@shct.nhs.uk