1st October 2012
Fast-expanding Ogilvie Fleet has further enhanced its sophisticated hi-tech reputation with the launch of a unique mobile company car tax tool.
The smart phone accessible driver benefit-in-kind tax calculator has been specially developed for Ogilvie Fleet - and access is open to everyone not simply existing customers. The vehicle leasing and fleet management company already has a wide range of sophisticated driver and fleet manager tools and other information on its website - www.ogilvie-fleet.co.uk - including the tax calculator. However, explained Ogilvie Fleet sales and marketing director Nick Hardy: -We believe we are the first company car provider to offer company car drivers the ability to calculate their own tax bills away from their PC, on the move and from ANY internet enabled Smart Phone. When designing the Web App we were specific that it needed to work across any Smart Phone and tablet platform. Thus it works perfectly on an iPhone and yet equally as well on an iPad, Windows Phone, Android based phone/tablet or BlackBerry. -Once again Ogilvie Fleet, just as the company did with last year's launch of its industry -leading online fleet manager portal, MiFleet Showroom, is at the forefront of technological developments to make the lives of company car drivers and fleet decision-makers easier. Armed with company car make and model information, users can access the specially developed tax tool app from their smart phone via the Ogilvie Fleet website to discover their tax liability. For those drivers who want technical data, the Web App also provides fuel consumption, speed/acceleration data, insurance groups and VED costs. Technology in the website recognises that access is via a smart phone and not a PC and 'right sizes' all the information to ensure it is easily readable. Mr Hardy said: -Websites can be accessed via smart phones but without 'right sizing' the information is cumbersome and difficult to read. -The mobile tax tool is accessible directly via the Ogilvie Fleet website without the requirement to download a different app. It also gives drivers access to a range of other information, including the latest news, and the ability to book their vehicle in for a service. For Ogilvie Fleet's own drivers, the Web App also provides access to critical emergency information, along with the ability to dial direct to their 24hr support services from within the App He concluded: -We have made the tool accessible to all-comers and not just Ogilvie Fleet customers to highlight the extent of the sophisticated range of services and online reporting available from the company. In the future, Ogilvie Fleet anticipates making a range of other tools accessible via smart phone applications.