Open for Business Roadshow - Sheffield
29th January 2018
FREE hot breakast and networking event.
Discover how Sheffield Hallam University and Invest Sheffield can support you to develop your workforce, access new talent and consider new ways of working. We're here to work with you. Every day we help businesses realise their potential - so no matter what size your business is, we can work with you to develop the practical solutions to the challenges you may face. The event will provide an opportunity to discover more about how Sheffield Hallam University and Invest Sheffield can support your business growth. The event, comprising of brief presentations, case studies from local businesses and informal networking, will cover a range of topics including: - Higher and Degree Apprenticeships - Graduate roles, internships and placements - Knowledge Transfer Partnerships - Research and Development - Funding and Support - Sheffield Innovation Programme If you'd like further information, please don't hesitate to get in touch by calling 0114 225 5000 or email To reserve your place, go to: