Part-time Jobs and Volunteering Fair 2014
14th May 2014
The University of Sheffield Student Jobshop will be hosting a part-time job fair in conjunction with Sheffield Volunteering on Thursday 2nd October 2014 from 10.
30 am 2.00 pm. It will take place in the Octagon Centre which is our largest venue on campus and is in a prime location next door to the Students' Union. You should consider attending if you need to: promote your part-time and temporary jobs recruit a pool of casual/bank workers employ extra staff for the Christmas period engage volunteers Do you need to do all of the above without an advertising budget? Then we can help! The Fair is free to attend and will take place right at the start of the academic year; helping you to target a brand new intake of students as well as students already studying at the University of Sheffield. To book a free stand at the fair please complete the booking form available online Or alternatively contact the Student Jobshop Tel: 0114 222 09400114 222 0940 Email: