Part-time Jobs and Volunteering Fair 2024
21st August 2024
The University of Sheffield annual Part-time Jobs and Volunteering Fair will take place on Wednesday 9th October, 12-3 pm, in the Octagon Centre at the heart of the University campus.
Organised by the Careers & Employability Service and Sheffield Volunteering, the fair brings together students looking for part-time work and voluntary roles and local employers with opportunities.
If your organisation is looking to recruit students for paid part-time work then you have the opportunity to have a FREE stand at the fair. This is a unique opportunity to meet thousands of students looking for part-time work and to tell them about opportunities within your organisation.
By coming to the Fair, you can:
- promote your part-time/casual jobs (students can work for up to 20 hrs per week in term-time)
- recruit a pool of casual/bank workers to provide cover at busy times
- meet students face to face
- promote your organisation on campus
In previous years, the fair has been well attended and we expect around 2,000 students to visit the fair, most bringing their CV ready to hand to prospective employers. We will be actively promoting the fair using a range of publicity channels.
Employers' comments about the best thing from the previous fairs were ‘student enthusiasm’, ‘friendly helpful staff’, ‘volume of attendees’, ‘amazing – the best jobs fair’, ‘ engaged students’ and a ‘great all round day’.
If you are looking for reliable staff in retail, hospitality, research, IT, education, events, security, administration, health and social care or any other area, why not join us on Wednesday 9th October 2024?
To find out more, contact the Careers & Employability Service on 0114 222 0910 or at