Reducing Corporation Tax through Patents
19th August 2012
The Government is planning to introduce legislation that will significantly reduce the Corporation Tax for UK companies who hold UK patents or who are acting as exclusive licensees under UK patents.
The proposed legislation - referred to as the "Patent Box" - is due to come into effect from 1 April 2013. Under the legislation, eligible companies will be able to elect to benefit from a 10% rate of Corporation Tax on all profits related to their patent rights. To maximise the opportunity, businesses need to act now! At this meeting, we will cover: what the patent box is what types of activity will qualify for tax relief under the legislation steps to ensure that local businesses can take advantage of the legislation advice for traditional engineering and manufacturing businesses who don't currently apply for patents key timings in order to maximise the opportunity Programme 08.30 Registration 08.45 Welcome - Martin McKervey, Nabarro LLP 09.00 David McWilliams - Withers & Rogers LLP 09.20 Graeme Davies - Barber, Harrison & Platt 09.40 Q&A session 10.00 Close To book please email or call 0114 279 4265