Reducing loneliness for older people in Sheffield

1st July 2014

Loneliness is as harmful to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

Thousands of older people across Sheffield feel lonely every day, and many more are at risk of loneliness or isolation due to issues such as ill health, bereavement or loss of confidence. Age Better Sheffield is a campaign to reduce loneliness and isolation in older people across Sheffield. We want see our communities thriving and older people enjoying Sheffield as a city to grow older in; a place where neighbours share, where shop keepers know their customers and where the streets feel safe. It's no small task, and needs the good nature and support of individuals and organisations across the city to make this a reality. By increasing the value of the every day interactions we all have with older people we can both reduce and prevent loneliness and isolation, whether it's knowing where to refer somebody who you might be worried about, or knowing how to make your business more dementia friendly, there are things we can all do, big and small that can collectively make our city a better place to grow older and a less lonely place to live. The Age Better campaign is part of Sheffield's bid to the Big Lottery Fund for 'Fulfilling Lives; Ageing Better', a programme which funds initiatives to reduce loneliness and social isolation in people aged over 50. The bid being submitted on April 30th by South Yorkshire Housing Association could bring up to £6m to Sheffield. Get in touch to find out more at

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