Reforming education in northern schools
8th February 2016
Leading education reformers, headteachers and policymakers will debate ways to boost standards in schools across the north of England at a summit delivered tomorrow by Sheffield Hallam University's Institute of Education and the Education Foundation think-tank.
The Education Reform Summit North will bring together many of the north's leading educationalists to celebrate the commitment and achievement of school teachers and leaders across the region. The summit will examine the key challenges and opportunities for the north's schools as the region experiences increased devolution for education and skills, driven not least by the 'Northern Powerhouse' agenda. And with Ofsted warning of a "north-south divide" in educational achievement in the country's schools, it will also examine how the north's schools, universities and other education providers can collaborate and support each other to improve school standards across the region. Speakers include education minister Lord Nash; shadow secretary of state for education and Manchester MP Lucy Powell; Lord Knight, chief education adviser at TES Global; as well as the region's school commissioners and most successful headteachers. A report of the summit's debates and recommendations will be presented to government to inform national and regional education policy. Professor Sam Twiselton, Director of the Sheffield Institute of Education said: -As one of the country's largest teacher training and education research establishments, we are delighted to present the Education Reform Summit North together with our partners the Education Foundation. "The region boasts some of the best schools and teachers in the country and we are proud to work in partnership with many of them. It is vital that this expertise is shared across the region's schools, and reflected in national policy-making, to deliver the very best education for the next generation." Ty Goddard, co-founder of the Education Foundation said: "The summit is a chance to mark the outstanding commitment and achievement of educators and organisations across the north. It is an opportunity to be inspired by what they do and share their successes for the benefit of the wider education system. "It will be a springboard for fresh thinking, practical action and new ways of working together to support our educators, raise ambition, embrace innovation and benefit all our children and young people."