Roundabout Sleep Out raises £21,000 for vulnerable young people
1st December 2022
Roundabout Sleepout Raises £21,000
SUPPTERS of South Yorkshire youth homelessness charity Roundabout who gave just one night to discover a little of the cold and discomfort of sleeping outdoors have raised £21,000.
Sleep Out is the annual challenge that raises money for Roundabout, the South Yorkshire youth homelessness charity.
This year saw more than 70 people taking part as the event moved to a new location in the car park at Meadowhall shopping centre.
Among the businesses who signed up to participate were teams from Henry Boot, PM Law, Fletchers Waste Management, Gripple, Hays and Kier Group.
Food was kindly provided by Greggs in the evening while McDonalds provided a warm breakfast the following morning.
“We asked supporters to rough it for one night to help prevent homelessness becoming a reality for vulnerable young people,” said Roundabout event organiser Emily Bush.
“It felt very cold but everybody did their best to find what comfort they could on a hard cold floor - and they all knew that their efforts really will make a massive difference to the work Roundabout is doing.
“Of course an event like this cannot truly replicate what it is like to be homeless, lonely and frightened - but I hope it did at least offer a small insight into the realities that are faced on a daily basis by some of the region’s most vulnerable young people.”
To find out how to help Roundabout support vulnerable young people this winter, visit