Sheffield Alcohol Support Service (SASS) is launching a new alcohol awareness campaign aimed at companies and their employees
28th May 2014
The focus is on drinking within safe limits, getting everyone to take a good hard look at their alcohol consumption and if necessary consider ways in which to reduce it.
The campaign allows organisations to get important health information out to their workforce in a way that is motivational and up-lifting. The focus is on drinking within safe limits, getting everyone to take a good hard look at their alcohol consumption and if necessary consider ways in which to reduce it. The campaign allows organisations to get important health information out to their workforce in a way that is motivational and up-lifting. We are not asking people to go 'cold turkey' for a month, because we believe that permanently reducing alcohol consumption to safe levels, is the best way to maintain a healthier lifestyle in the longer term. We all know the benefits of cutting down like losing weight, sleeping better, having more energy, but do we really know how much harm we're inflicting on our bodies by drinking too much? We will provide everyone who takes part a Make the ChangePackincluding everything needed to get started. Included will be a self- questionnaire and score card to see just how drinking levels measures up against national guidelines, information on how to reduce alcohol intake gradually, a diary to record drinking patterns and create a personalized profile, plus a few hard hitting facts and figures to consider. There are also some hints and tips to keep motivated, We are asking companies and organisations to get on-board by encouraging their employees to get involved. One of the best ways to do this is to provide each employee with a pack, as this overcomes any problems regarding confidentiality. The packs have been produced by our in-house training team, Way Point and represent excellent value. We are asking for a minimum donation of £3 per pack towards the cost of printing. As part of the campaign we will also come in to the workplace and talk to your employees about the initiative and the benefits of getting involved. By encouraging your employees to take part and make the change, you will be giving out a clear message about how important their wellbeing is to your organisation, It won't just be your employees who feel the benefit of the You, Only Better challenge; a positive and healthier workforce is a more effective workforce. Your reputation as a company committed to investing in staff welfare will also go down well with your clients. We hope that by getting involved you will help SASS raise vital funds. Most of us know someone; a partner, son, daughter, friend or a friend of a friend or a colleague, who has been affected by alcohol misuse, and know how circumstances can sometimes lead to a destructive pattern of alcohol dependence. It may be a job loss, bereavement, escalating debt or depression, things that can happen to any of us at any time. Help us to be there for those who find they cannot break the downward spiral, and desperately need our support to get their lives back on track. Sheffield Alcohol Support Service (SASS) was established over 35 years ago to provide community alcohol services for Sheffield. Sheffield has been identified as having the highest proportion of people 16 and above, who consume alcohol with 47,000 estimated to be 'high risk' drinkers. We help by offering 1-2-1 support, counselling, structured recovery sessions, peer mentoring, clinical referral if necessary, and a recovery pathway tailored to each individual. Although recent government led advertising campaigns have brought alcohol misuse out in to the open as something that can affect anyone, it isn't easy to appreciate the full impact alcohol misuse can have on the lives of individuals and families whose lives can be utterly devastated. Ill health, unemployment, escalating debt and the loss of close relationships, including those between parents and children, are just some of the consequences. By getting involved you will not only be promoting the wellbeing of your workforce, you will be helping us raise vital funds and bring this growing problem out into the open. How does it work? We will send you everything needed to get started including promotional material so that you can let your employees know what you are doing and come in to talk to them about all the benefits of taking part. We will then send you as many packs as you need. Included in the pack are contact numbers for any staff who feel they need further information or help. For more information on the campaign please email; We look forward to hearing from you. We also have a dedicated website; has a short 'taster' questionnaire and information about the pack.