Sheffield broker unveils top tips as FSB report reveals small companies are subjected to the vast majority of cyber attacks
9th November 2016
Sheffield broker IFM is warning local businesses of the growing threat of cyber crime by providing some practical tips to combat the problem.
This follows a report from the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) which revealed that small companies are subjected to the vast majority of cyber attacks. The 'Cyber Resilience: How to protect small firms in the digital economy' report detailed that attacks via email, including phishing (49%) and spear phishing (37%), were the most commonly used methods of attacks by hackers, followed closely by malware (29%). On average, most small companies take almost two and a half days to respond to such attacks. John Leigh, Director of IFM Insurance Brokers said, -It's not only larger companies such as Tesco bank which are exposed to the threat of cyber crime. Cyber crime is a growing threat to all businesses in South Yorkshire and the tactics employed by hackers are becoming more sophisticated. So local firms should should take steps to ensure they are fully protected and should contact their local broker for advice. IFM top tips to combat cyber crime Ensure your business has proper internet security in place including firewalls, anti virus and anti spam Test back up plans and business continuity procedures Lap top computers and monitors are common targets for thieves. If stolen this could mean lost data and lost productivity. Lock servers in a room and move laptops into a secure drawer at the end of a working day Encrypt important information for extra security so that only authorised users will be able to access them Purchase legitimate software from reputable companies and be careful when downloading free software. Don't open files on a website or in an email from an unknown or suspicious source Ensure you have adequate insurance in place to protect against a cyber attack. Affordable cover is available so speak with your broker who can arrange a suitable policy