Sheffield Business Switch on to Working Fathers

18th June 2015

Benchmark Recruit polled working fathers to reveal Sheffield businesses are switched on to the pressures of family life, with 83% of respondents admitting their employers are flexible when it comes to their working hours.

The survey by local recruitment firm, Benchmark, questioned South Yorkshire Dads on their working habits now they are fathers, and showed 20% have reduced their hours since having kids. Working days span from five to one day a week with 74% working five days, 18% for four days, and 8% split their time between childcare and work, doing three days or less. Employer's flexibility lets working Dads to spend more time with their children, allowing them to grace the school playground during the working week 35% drop off or pick up once a week, 26% twice a week, and over 39% doing three or more. -It's refreshing and reassuring to see employers are responding to fathers needs and allowing them to spend quality time with their children. Working families rely on flexibility of employers to allow them to balance childcare and avoid hefty chidcare costs, said Director at Benchmark Recruit, Louisa Harrison-Walker. According to our group of Fathers, 'Dad time' goes down well with their kids with 62% flying into their arms when they meet them after a days school or pre school, and 20% just being relieved it's not after school club. And, when kids finally get chance to be with their fathers, their favourite past times to share together are heading to the park (46%) and doing sport (17%) the beer garden also featured on the list of response with 5% of Dads admitting it was a 'mutually beneficial' option. For further details see the Benchmark Recruit Father's Day infographic.

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