Sheffield Chamber Comments on Sheffield City Region Quarterly Economic Review Q1 2021 Results
6th May 2021
On 27th April 2021 businesses from across the region gathered to hear the latest results following the Sheffield City Region (SCR) Quarterly Economic Review for Q1.
Commenting on the results, Head of Policy and Representation of Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, Tom Sutton, said:
“The fieldwork for Q1 was undertaken between February and March 2021. The results have indicated that business confidence is on the increase within the Sheffield City Region. All key indicators are showing positive movement quarter on quarter, except for UK sales and past employment.
“Whilst the results highlight an increased sense of optimism it is important to remember that performance remains below pre-pandemic levels but overall, we have an economy that is looking to grow.
“The next survey will be launched mid-May and our eyes will turn to the results to see if further headway on investment intentions, turnover and profitability in both the manufacturing and service sectors can be sustained.”
On 18th May, the next survey will go live for Q2 2021. It is your opportunity to have your voice heard. The results are filtered into the Quarterly Economic Survey hosted by the British Chambers of Commerce. With over 6,000 responses per quarter, it is the UK’s largest and most representative private business survey.