Sheffield Chamber of Commerce AGM
21st August 2012
The AGM is an opportunity for Sheffield Chamber and its members to reflect on the past year.
The AGM also welcomes the new Chamber president, who will be in post for one year and who uses the opportunity to outline their plans for the coming year. The incoming President will receive the chain of office from current president. Following feedback from previous years, and the Chambers conscious effort to ensure events meet the members needs whilst not taking up too much business time, the event will have a short meeting format. Council Members Election New council members are also appointed at the AGM, tasked with promoting the Chamber as the leading business forum within the city region, as well as representing the membership through the work of its various committees and forums. Elected members serve on Council for three years and are eligible for re-election after their term of office. The event is open to all Chamber members. Booking on to the event is essential as access to the event will not be granted for those who have not booked a place Venue: Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield, Victoria Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE Time: 4.00pm arrival Cost: Free; exclusive to Chamber members