Sheffield Chamber supports new workplace chaplaincy and listening service
9th May 2017
Sheffield Chamber of Commerce has backed a new chaplaincy and listening service for the region - saying it will offer vital wellbeing support to employees.
Richard Wright, executive director of Sheffield Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said the new South Yorkshire Chaplaincy & Listening Service brings a crucial support network for employees across the city at a time when demands on employees are at an all-time high. He said: -The world seems to be moving at a faster and faster pace which has enormous consequences on businesses and people who work in them. -The need for a non-judgemental, listening and supportive service for employees who feel overwhelmed by these changes has never been greater. The new service, available to everyone in the workplace, irrespective of their faith, will fill a gap created by the demise of the South Yorkshire Workplace Chaplaincy last year. Reverend Baz Gascoyne and his wife Rev. Linda Gascoyne are running the service, building on existing active initiatives the Sheffield Sports Chaplaincy and Sheffield Listening Services. Leaders from Barnsley and Rotherham and Doncaster Chambers of Commerce joined Richard in supporting the new scheme which also gained backing from the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce and the EEF, the manufacturer's organisation. Andy Tuscher, EEF region director Yorkshire and the Humber, said: -Effective listening is a much needed requirement for any healthy, well-functioning community especially a workplace. -The EEF, the manufacturers' organisation, welcomes any move to encourage workplace support and wellbeing through a listening service. The need for this type of service is as pertinent as ever especially as employees face increasing pressure from all directions. Baz Gascoyne said: -This level of support from business organisations is tremendous. We need organisations from across the region to get behind this initiative and spread the word about our service. The current 12-strong trained team of chaplain and listeners is expected to rapidly grow into a network across the region offering visits to workplaces, bespoke listening sessions and tailor made support for employees. The new service will be overseen by an advisory board of trustees including Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust chairman Tony Pedder and Sheffield Forgemasters' former director Peter Birtles. The board of trustees is looking for potential sponsors from interested companies and individuals and also volunteer chaplains and listeners to help its work. For further details on the South Yorkshire Chaplaincy and Listening Service visit or call Baz Gascoyne on 07971 399514.