Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care (SCCCC)- Service of Celebration
16th October 2017
Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care (SCCCC) would like to extend an invitation to you to our forthcoming Service of Celebration which will be held in Sheffield Cathedral at 7:00pm on Monday 30th October 2017.
The Service of Celebration is not only to recognise 50 years of helping older people in Sheffield but also to celebrate our recent achievement of being granted the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award for a volunteer organisation, carrying the equivalent status of an MBE. We are the only organisation in Sheffield to be receiving the Award this year and join a small group of eight other Sheffield organisations who have been granted the prestigious award since its launch in 2002. The Royal recognition of the service provided by SCCCC to older people in Sheffield is testament to the hard work and dedication of volunteers and something that Sheffield and South Yorkshire should be proud of. We have extended invitations to a number of civic dignitaries and The Lord Archbishop of York, The Most Reverend & Right Honourable Dr John Sentamu will be in attendance and taking part in the Service. I would appreciate it if you could let me know if you are able to attend and join us in celebration. You can do this either through our Eventbrite page or by emailing me directly at