Sheffield College Shortlisted For National Training Award
27th April 2015
The Sheffield College has been shortlisted for the AAT Training Provider Awards 2015.
AAT is the professional body for accounting technicians. The college is a finalist in the national training provider of the year awards category for medium sized organisations. The awards recognise excellence in delivery of AAT courses. The winners will be announced on Thursday April 30th during an AAT Training Provider conference. There are 186 adults and apprentices completing AAT accounting qualifications at the college at part-time day and evening classes. Qualifications offered include the AAT Certificate in Accounting at Level 2, and the Diploma in Accounting at Level 3 and Level 4. Heather Smith, Principal, The Sheffield College, said: -We equip our students with the professional qualifications and skills they need to enhance their career prospects, and ensure that the business community has a well qualified supply of accounting technicians. This shortlisting for a national award is testament to our exceptional staff and the success of our students. Demand for candidates with accounting qualifications and skills is growing. The college is increasingly working with employers in the manufacturing and logistics sectors as well as with accountancy firms. The college's AAT courses have strong employer links and a 96% student retention rate. Students receive careers advice, extra revision sessions and have the opportunity to move up to the next level course. For more information on AAT and other professional and business-related courses, contact The Sheffield College Centre for Business and Enterprise on or call 0114 2602600. Go to