Sheffield Company Fundraises Pie And Peasily!
25th March 2014
Sheffield-based President Engineering Group found it as easy as pie to raise £290 recently for the local St Luke's Hospice.
The company hosted a 'Great Pie and Peas Up' as part of the hospice's aim to raise the remaining £750,000 it needs to finish rebuilding its inpatient unit. The company asked staff to bake their own pies, which resulted in a great selection including lamb and mint, cottage pie, steak and kidney, chicken leek and butternut squash and meat and potato. Staff also served up mushy peas, potato wedges, baked beans, gravy and Sheffield's own Henderson's Relish. Buns, muffins and brownies were also on sale for those who had room left! Iain Hendry, master baker and purchasing manager at the company, invited staff to guess the weight of one of his famous corned beef and vegetable pies. The pie weighed 5.25kg, with Jack Thorpe, production engineer, guessing the closest at 4.2kg. The event also featured a Pie & Sheffield quiz, and a competition for staff to guess how many peas were in a jar. Marie Cooper, financial director, triumphed at the quiz and Craig Adlington, machine shop manager, was the winner of the pea-guess, only 28 away from the total 652! This is the second time President Engineering Group has participated in the Pie and Peas Event, raising over £200 for St Luke's Hospice last year. Marie Cooper, financial director of President Engineering Group, said: -We had a great day at the Pie and Peas Event and all of our staff got involved with either making their own pies or eating other peoples! We were really pleased to be able to take part in this event for the second year running and to help such a worthwhile cause as St Luke's Hospice. Hopefully we have gone some way to helping the hospice reach its target. Charlie Shepherd, who joined the company for the week as part of the Cutler's Ambassador work experience programme, was on hand throughout the day to take photographs and to scoop the prize for the furthest guess away from the number of peas in the jar. St Luke's Hospice is a charity which provides specialist care to more than 5,000 patients and their loved ones ever year, completely free of charge. For more information about President Engineering Group Ltd visit the website or call +44 (0) 1142 240000.