Sheffield Elite Business Academy
30th April 2018
The Elite Business Academy is a hybrid Business Coaching / Personal Development & Networking Event to help Business Owners learn the knowledge to build and grow a successful business & life.
WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE OUR KEYNOTE SPEAKER IS CHRIS ROBINSON... Chris will be sharing with you his analogies from his 23 years of experience in the British Army and offer his own take on dealing with decision making and extreme adversity in the workplace. Chris Robinson, having fought on the front line in Iraq & Afghanistan, as well as serving time in war zone countries including Sierra Leone and Somalia, not only had to keep himself alive but also had to ensure the survival of his fellow soldiers in the Yorkshire Regiment. Having to make survival decisions and judgment calls whilst being under enemy attack in extreme situations has taught Chris unique leadership skills. You will learn what values are important? how do we arrive at these values? and how to implement them into a successful team to help win the battle of a growing business. Chris tells it how it is with honesty and compassion. His unique view of what it takes to become a leader is not only educational but inspiring at the same time. You'll find tons more value too at this Event including... *BUSINESS COACHING* The EBA has a team of expert coaches from across the business field. Learn from these leading industry figures as they deliver powerful Mastermind Coaching Sessions, where priceless knowledge, ideas and tools are shared to help you improve and grow your business. *POWERFUL NETWORKING* Every single month over £1million worth of business is passed between people meeting and networking at our Academies. You will be open networking, table networking and 1-2-1 networking with 100 new contacts. This is an amazing opportunity for you to promote your business and to win more referrals. *PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT* Discover how to overcome those negative barriers and limiting beliefs that are holding you and your business back. Our leading industry coaches will be sharing insightful techniques, tips and steps that will help you to step outside your comfort zone and build the confidence to achieve the results that you want. with over 100 Business Owners all under one roof. Come & feel the buzz of a real live hybrid event! Tickets available: