Sheffield Hallam selected as gaming hub of creativity
14th April 2016
Sheffield Hallam University has been selected as one of 12 of the UK's national gaming hubs, representing South Yorkshire.
Hallam will be the South Yorkshire games hub as part of Tranzfuserâ„¢, a new talent-development programme from UK Games Talent and Finance (UKGTF) funded by the UK government. Tranzfuser is designed to encourage new creative talent to develop and bring their game to market. Applicants to Tranzfuser will form teams with a £5,000 budget from UKGTF to develop their game ideas to working prototypes, competing to present their work in a national showcase event in September 2016. There they will pitch for follow-on funding of up to £25,000 to commercialise their game and launch a company. Dr Jacob Habgood, senior lecturer in software and games development at Sheffield Hallam University, said, "We are proud of our games department at Hallam and this selection as a regional hub further supports our reputation as one of the country's leading facilities. We enjoy developing talent as well as games and working with young creative people to turn their vision into virtual realities." There are 12 regional hubs that have been selected to support Tranzfuser teams, with Hallam the only South Yorkshire centre. Paul Durrant, Founder and Chief Executive of UK Games Talent and Finance CIC, said: -I'm delighted to have realised a long-time ambition of joining up early-stage talent recognition and showcasing with prototype funding. The way in which Tranzfuser will become a fresh talent pipeline for the UK Games Fund is a real first. Tranzfuser teams that win our funding will become the top tips for future success. The Tranzfuser programme will be part of Sheffield Hallam University's annual Games Britannia activity in June. The award-winning videogames education festival provides hands-on workshops in digital creativity for young people.