Shout about region, employers asked
21st June 2017
It's time to turn up the lights and stop the brain drain of talented young people from the Sheffield City Region (SCR), according to the region's employers.
Businesses which have already responded to the SCR's survey on 'hard to fill' vacancies and skills shortages, either online or at one of the round table discussions across the region, are saying that many employees are drawn to the bright lights and lifestyle of other cities after a couple of years in their first job. And that means it's time to shout about the attractions of this region and its lifestyle to make it more appealing for them. They also feel employers in small and medium sized firms (SMEs) could do more to promote the benefits of working for them, and that better transport across the SCR would open up employment opportunities. So far, the survey's respondents want to see careers advice given priority in schools, and suggest that work experience and mentors would help young people see work opportunities they didn't know existed. This would also provide role models and encourage a good work attitude to work in young people. Nigel Brewster, Vice Chair of the SCR's Local Enterprise Partnership said: -These results are very interesting and useful. This region does have a lot to shout about and a great quality of life but I recognise that we need to appeal more to our talented young people. -I'm looking forward to hearing from more businesses and would urge them to take part in the survey it only needs a few minutes. Other themes which are emerging from the research include: Putting training and education providers together with businesses to help shape the curriculum and provide training in areas where there are skills shortages. This would also increase awareness of apprenticeship degrees as a route directly into employment. Telling younger people about the roles available in SMEs and how they can progress there, to combat the tendency for graduates and apprenticeship graduates to move to the 'big name' companies. This is particularly relevant in the SCR where 88% of companies have less than 10 employees. Encouraging education in schools and colleges about interpersonal and soft skills: many 'millennials' lack these skills which concerns employers. Fostering the work ethic and the expectations of professionalism and customer service in the workplace. The business survey is still open and the Sheffield City Region would value your views. Find the survey online: