Silver for SYAC
6th September 2016
SYAC South Yorkshire African Caribbean Enterprise & Training Centre opened as the ACE (African Caribbean Enterprise) Centre in October 1991.
As a Social Enterprise, the centre was created in response to a national campaign to promote and encourage black entrepreneurship. In line with Sheffields changing demographic, SYAC has evolved and redefinded itself, through provision of target services to Black and Minorite Ethnic (BME) communites, together with competitive, business and enterprise packages accessabke to all Sheffield residents. In this 25th anniversary year, SYAC has incorporated its commemorations, with a programme of events as part of our aunnual Black History Month Celebrations, during the nationally designated month of October. -SYAC is ready for a further 25 years! says Board of Director's member and Acting Centre Manager, Vena Wynter-Trusscott. -We have an exciting programme of events, starting with a business and enterprise conference, aimed at promoting future business start-ups in sheffilked. We will be acknowledging SYAC's history with the launching of the SYAC Heritage Book and Online Archive. In addition, a four day exhibition will profile past and present black business. -Our 25 year Black History Month Celebrations, will close with Small Enterprise Showcase and Fashion Show -SYAC would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank all those individuals and business who have supported us during the past 25 years .. and the next 25 years to come!