Small local charity needs your vote
24th July 2018
Sheffield Chamber of Commerce members, Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care (SCCCC) have been shortlisted to receive up to £5,000 from Sheffield Mutual's Charity Award.
Up against 9 other charities, and with three prizes available of £1,000, £1,500 and £5,000, this small local charity would appreciate your support. SCCCC provides support for older people in Sheffield whilst in hospital, upon discharge and at home. Their Good Neighbour, friendly visiting scheme sees 115 volunteers visiting older isolated and lonely people in their own homes for a cuppa and a chat and has been running for 52 years. Fundraiser Ericka Hill said -We were excited to have been shortlisted for the Sheffield Mutual Award. If we were to win any of the prizes, this would make a huge difference to vulnerable and isolated older people of Sheffield but being up against bigger charities we need as many votes as we can. It's simple to vote and takes seconds to do. No contact details are required. Simply click on the link, go down to the 7th charity, click and submit. The closing date is Tuesday 31st July.