SME Apprentice Programme Open Event
7th May 2015
SME Apprentice Programme Open Event - AMRC Training Centre, Rotherham, S60 5BL Close Brothers in association with the AMRC Training Centre and the Manufacturing Technologies Association (MTA) are offering to help your business grow by funding the next generation of advanced engineers.
This unmissable opportunity will enable SMEs in the Sheffield City Region to apply for financial support to employ an apprentice. If your business is successful, Close Brothers will fund half of your apprentices' wages in the fi rst year and a quarter in the second year. Training costs will also be covered. To find out more about the programme and the benefits to your business of employing an apprentice, come along to our SME open event on the 10th June. To reserve your place at our SME event, email: Programme 5.00pm Registration, networking, drinks reception 5.30pm Welcome Alison Bettac, Director of the AMRC Training Centre 5.35pm - Keynote Speaker - TBC 5.50pm Overview of the 'Close Brothers SME Apprentice Programme'and application process Close Brothers 6.05pm Employing an apprentice It's not as scary as you think! Stuart Smith, Eldon Tools 6.20pm Being an apprentice in a small business How I've Contributed to the Business Russell Fox, Eldon Tools (Boeing Apprentice of the Year 2015 and Made in Sheffield Apprentice of the Year 2015) 6.30pm Update on future Apprentice Funding for SMEs How does it affect You! Business Innovation Service Apprentice Trailblazers 6.45pm Discover how you can employ an apprentice without the headache of managing payroll Stafforce 7.00pm Tours of the AMRC Training Centre, networking, drinks. 7.45pm Close Giveaways will include samples to take away of : Apprentice Contract of Employment Apprentice Interview Questions Apprentice Mentoring Checklist For more info click here