Start-Up Saturday - Free help for new businesses from HMRC
5th March 2014
Following the previous successful Start-up Saturdays, HMRC's education team will be running them on a bi-monthly basis.
We will include information on topical areas for new businesses. Our next event will be on Saturday April 12 when we will be running the webinars below. Use the links to register and you will receive a confirmation email. Self-Employment and HMRC what you need to know. 10am to 11am Saturday 12 April This session concentrates on the information sole traders or partnerships need when they start. It covers Registration, National Insurance, Self-Assessment and Record Keeping. Self-Employment & HMRC - What You Need To Know Company Directors your responsibilities to HMRC 12pm to 1pm Saturday 12 April This is aimed at those businesses considering setting up as limited companies. It provides the basics on incorporation and registration with Companies House and HMRC. It also looks at when you need to be an employer, and the timetable for Corporation Tax Online. Company Directors - Your Responsibilities to HMRC Business Expenses for the self-employed 2pm to 3pm Saturday 12 April Every sole trader or partnership wants to know which day-to-day expenses they are able to claim for tax relief. They also need to start keeping records of these as soon as the business starts. This webinar provides an overview of the most common expenses including motoring costs. Business Expenses For The Self-Employed Cash Basis & Simplified Expenses 4pm to 5pm Saturday 12 April From April 2013 HMRC introduced two new Simpler Income Tax schemes for small businesses. These could affect the way you complete your 2013-2014 Tax Return. Find out what cash basis is, how it works and who can use it. The webinar will also cover simplified expenses and the appropriate records required. It is aimed at Sole Traders and Ordinary Partnerships and is not suitable for directors of limited companies. Cash Basis & Simplified Expenses Keep in touch with HMRC support at Twitter @HMRC business