Student Employee of the Year 2019 (SEOTY)
23rd May 2019
Thursday 9th May saw the celebration event for our University of Sheffield students nominated for the prestigious 2019 Student Employee of the Year Award.
This national award is organised by NASES (National Association of Student Employment Services) and co-ordinated on campus by the Careers Service - Student Jobshop. The award recognises and promotes the outstanding contributions and achievements of students who effectively combine part-time work whilst also undertaking their studies at the University. Employers are invited to nominate their students who have made an exceptional contribution in their role, with nominations in the following five categories, both on or off campus: Step up to Leadership Commercial Impact Above and Beyond Best Team Freelancer (Off campus) A total of 78 nominations were received either as an individual, a team or employer nomination. A celebration event was held at Inox Dine and institutional winners were announced. Certificates and prizes donated by Santander were awarded by Brendan Stone, Deputy Vice President for Education. Students also had the opportunity to nominate their employer and nine employers were nominated for the Employer of the Year Award. Judging for the institutional winners is undertaken by a panel of independent judges who met and scrutinised the anonymised nominations. The level of nominations was extremely high with the judges deciding to award highly commended awards to six individual students and two student teams alongside the winners. The following winners were announced: On Campus - Above and Beyond Hemanshi Galaiya - Student Ambassador, Faculty of Engineering On Campus - Step Up to Leadership Ben Steere - Head Student Ambassador, Interdisciplinary Engineering Off Campus - Above and Beyond Mathilda Shillam - Playworker, Nether Green After School Club Off Campus - Commerical Impact Oluchi Emenike - Customer Service and Finance Assistant, Ossila Ltd Team Award Researchers - Hope for the Future Freelancer Charlie Linacre - Direct Computers Employer Award Zak Ahmed - AALFY All these institutional winners went forward to the North Regional Judging which will be announced in due course. Congratulations to all our student and employer nominees and we wish the winners well at the next stage. Watch this space!