Support Dogs Showcase Reception
14th May 2014
Support Dog is an innovative national charity, founded and based in Sheffield for over 20 years, that works to increase independence and the quality of life of children and adults affected by autism, epilepsy and physical disability.
It provides and trains specialist assistance dogs to achieve this. Support Dogs Showcase Reception Thursday 29 May 2014 Support Dogs work is life changing in every sense of the word. Our showcase reception is an opportunity for you to come and learn more about work. Meet some of the people we have helped and listen to their stories. Meet some of our support dogs in training and watch a demonstration of the extraordinary skills they learn. It is also an opportunity to find out how you and your business can be involved with our charity. We are delighted that the Lord Mayor of Sheffield will be joining us for this event. Entry is free Thursday 29 May 5pm to 7pm Jurys Inn, 119 Eyre Street, Sheffield, S1 4QW Please book online below or alternatively by contacting Danny Anderson at Support Dogs on 0114 261 7800 or email