Supporting Skills in the Workforce with The Source
23rd May 2019
More than 49% of adults in lower socio-economic groups do not complete any training after leaving school.
According to the 2019 Adults Skills Gap report by the Government, only 8% of low paid workers accessed training within their employers, whereas graduates are three times more likely to undertake training and managers have twice as much training than those in lower roles. Tricia Smith, CEO of The Source, said: -The outcomes from the Adult Skills Gap Reports paint a worrying picture for employers and employees alike. Training, which would be hugely beneficial to lower paid workers, is not being undertaken by those who need it the most. -This has a number of negative outcomes on businesses, including: creating skills gaps, having an unmotivated workforce, losing productivity, and the lack of social mobility for lower paid families. -As someone who began life growing up on a council estate, I would not be where I am now if not for the training opportunities that were made available to me through my employer. -That's why I am very proud that The Source will be working with employers in the Sheffield City Region to support those who need training access the right opportunities through Skills Support for Your Workforce. The Skills Support for the Workforce project will see The Source working with business to highlight areas of training needs then providing a comprehensive programme of training. The project will focus on those in low paid roles, who have qualifications lower than a Level 3, or need support with their English speaking, reading and writing. -Skills Support for the Workforce will support those who need it so that they can grow within their organisation and their community. We'll also be working closely with employers to meet their training, and in some cases recruitment, need through very tailored support, Tricia said. For further information about Skills Support for Your Workforce, visit The Source's website at or call 0114 263 5600.