SY Safer Roads Partnership - The Highway Code Has Changed!

21st March 2022

As everyone should be aware of now, the Highway Code changed in January. These advisory changes have been implemented to improve safety for people walking, cycling and horse riding.

South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership (SYSRP) is urging all road users to make sure they understand the changes, no matter what form of travel they take.

A full list of the changes are available on the partnership’s website and their social media channels.

Manager of SYSRP Joanne Wehrle said:

“The Highway Code is essential reading for all. It is important that all road users are aware of the Code and are considerate towards each other. 

“Under the new changes, every road user still has a responsibility to keep themselves and each other safe, and the changes mean being ready to give priority, leave space and be considerate of others.

“Ultimately, knowing and applying The Highway Code will help keep our roads safe for everyone.”

As part of the new rules, a hierarchy of road users has been introduced to ensure those who can do the greatest harm have the greatest responsibility to reduce the danger or threat they may pose to others. 

This means: 

  • Giving people crossing and waiting to cross and cyclists going straight ahead, priority when turning in and out of junctions
  • Giving plenty of space when passing people cycling and horse riders
  • And making sure we’re acting with responsibility and respect to all road users 


  • You now should give people crossing and waiting to cross and cyclists going straight ahead priority when turning in and out of junctions.
  • You now should leave at least 1.5 metres when overtaking people cycling at speeds of up to 30mph and give them more space when overtaking at higher speeds.
  • When driving, you should now pass horse riders and horse-drawn vehicles at speeds under 10 mph and allow at least 2 metres of space.
  • You should now allow at least 2 metres of space and keep to a low speed when passing a pedestrian who is walking in the road.
  • Car users should now open their doors with the hand furthest from the door, to help them look over their shoulder to see cyclists or pedestrians nearby.
  • People may cycle in the centre of the lane or two abreast for their own safety, whilst allowing others to overtake when it is safe for them to do so. 

Joanne added:

“These changes aim to reinforce what good road users already do. They do not just offer guidance on how we want users to behave, they signpost the kind of community we want to live in; towns cities and villages that are friendly and safe for people to ride, walk and cycle.”  

The changes can be viewed in full by visiting:

The Partnership Team is available to provide advice, training, support and information on a variety of topics including safety for pedestrians, cyclists, powered two wheeled riders and drivers.  If you would like some road safety advice, please visit us at or email

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